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Freelancer and Ghostwriter;

Member of Schaumburg Scribes and Schaumburg Scribblers;

           former member of Barnes & Noble Writers Group

Guest speaker for "Book-and-Bag-It" Series and

         "Inside Writing and Publishing" at local libraries;

Interviewed by Cathi Watson for "Celebrity Authors" television program

            on Chicago PBS;

Hosted book-signing event at Barnes & Noble;

Presented “You Can’t Get Published Till You’re Published” workshops

             for members of North Chicago Library System;

Graduate of Famous Artists School, Westport CT;

Former admin at Messiah Lutheran Church (nearly 13 years) until its closing.


I was born and raised in a farming community outside of Lanark, IL (pop. 1400),

and currently live in a Chicago suburb.


Divorced after a lengthy marriage, I am the mother of two: a son, Michael, (police officer, married to Janice) and a daughter, Melinda (married to a  former police officer, Chris);

and the grandmother of two (for whom I provide child care on a part-time basis): 

eleven-year-old Hunter, intelligent, compassionate, and the asker of at least two thousand questions per day; and beautiful Madeline, whose six-year-old personality reminds me of the quote by William Shakespeare: “Though she be but little, she is fierce.”


Besides that, I also work part-time at my writing career, parked in front of a computer which refuses to obey me.


From my childhood on, stray animals have always found their way to my door—

and, from there, inside, to become part of the family.

It is not surprising, then, that local and national pet shelters and animal rescue organizations are dear to my heart. As are environmental causes and political issues.

Family and friends provide the basic support for my life.

Like many people who have gone through life-changing events, I’ve dug deep into my own psyche

to find reserves of courage and strength I didn’t know were there.

Often, my own experiences have become those of my characters.

In constructing how the plot and population of my books develop, my favorite question

to be answered is always, "Why? Why this place? Why this time?

Why this fortune or misfortune, this deed or misdeed, this adventure or misadventure?"

And so it goes.


Without hope we are nothing; through adversity we grow.


My Mantra:

It is incumbent upon us not only to do good deeds for others without thought of reward, but also to acknowledge and appreciate  the good deeds others do for us.



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